Fully automated Remote CCTV Monitoring Systems from Viseum®
The CCTV monitoring of remote sites is no longer just a necessary cost. Viseum’s intelligent analytics makes video monitoring highly efficient for remote security and situational awareness.
- More results with less ongoing costs than any other manned remote monitoring system. Or manned guarding patrols.
- Strongest remote site deterrent. Turn high crime to no crime.
- More remote sites protected automatically with better camera coverage and fewer camera installations.
Our Remote CCTV Monitoring software and cameras use AI video analytics. A reliable security deterrent. More close-up video of crime. The lead up to it and after it. Re-creating the incident provides valuable information; how the incident started, who else witnessed it, where the suspects came and left, and how to stop more of these incidents.
Industry standard and patent regulated
The remote CCTV monitoring industry-standard for automated security and situational awareness.
Viseum remote CCTV monitoring uses multitasking cameras. Installed, maintained and supported as plug-and-play. Modular hardware. Meets any remote site’s security coverage and surveillance requirements. Solving the many problems with standalone security systems, manned surveillance services and manned guarding security patrols. It has been independently endorsed, to provide the same CCTV coverage as just 1 Viseum 360 Security Camera, it would take:
- 6 constantly manned next best PTZ cameras, or,
- 10 of the industry’s latest panoramic megapixel cameras, or,
- 200 standard fixed camera installations.
This does not include the extreme costs of installation and monitoring of inferior systems. Viseum will deliver more results automatically, costing significantly less capex and 6 x less opex each year.
- Viseum® Intelligent Video Management System Viseum CiVMS™ Central Intelligent Video Management System uses Viseum ...
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- Viseum® is well known for High-Quality CCTV Cameras The Viseum IMC™ (Intelligent Moving Camera) ...
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Rapid crime clear up
Viseum’s monitoring software automatically detects remote site break-ins and sends the alarm. The alarm has information about who entered the remote site with a detailed description of them. Where they can be located, where else they have been throughout the remote site and what they have been doing.
Viseum’s remote CCTV monitoring advantages
Criminals could be wearing hoods or facial masks which makes video of their clothing essential. Having this high-quality video of details, such as brand logos and material, usually encourages confession and conviction. If intruders escape the remote site, Viseum’s high-quality video evidence helps investigate, recognize, identify and convict.
Criminals with intent
Criminals with intent will carefully choose their moment to evade the many different types of “high security”. They will avoid standalone and surveillance operator remote CCTV monitored systems. They will break through access control systems and outwit manned guarding patrols. But NOT with Viseum’s Intelligent 360° CCTV Cameras providing constantly vigilant automatic surveillance for each remote site 24/7/365.
Optimizing security software for better Remote CCTV Camera Monitoring
This narrated presentation shows how any organisation can have the best future-proofed security for their entire enterprise, with the most advanced Command Control, designed for and installed at any chosen location.
- Intelligent Video Analytics Software from Viseum® Automatically catch perpetrators in the act. Or, ...
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- Viseum® Intelligent Video Management System Viseum CiVMS™ Central Intelligent Video Management System uses Viseum ...
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Downloads for Remote CCTV Monitoring Software:
- Brochure of main benefits and technology strengths
- Command control and communications CCTV monitoring trial services
- Phased surveillance technology introduction
- UK CCTV Government strategy recommendations
- Surveillance supervisor and operator training
- Example operational savings with improvements
- CCTV monitoring video management system datasheet
- Viseum surveillance technology credentials
- Viseum IMC control room integration levels