Governments’ Public Safety Held To Account
After terrorist attacks, large amounts of extra money is spent by governments as a brief display of security control. Before Viseum’s disruptive technology, economics prevented governments to invest in fit-for-purpose CCTV before such attacks.
“Our government wants the very best security for our nation.” (Comment from today’s Heads of State of many countries)
“To disrupt crime and terror, many nations are collaborating against this international threat using this internationally regulated disruptive technology.” (Viseum UK Group)
Disruptive Anti-Terror CCTV Cameras are showing governments how to win their fight against crime and terror. Places, where many people gather, are targets for crime, disorder and mass killings. These areas have always been the most technically problematic areas to deliver public safety. CCTV is always heavily relied upon during terrorist attacks. But, because the CCTV industry was not regulated, it had not delivered results.
Disruptive Public Safety CCTV Technology
Solving the very serious problems with all CCTV cameras missing incidents, the Viseum Intelligent Moving Camera (Viseum IMC) was patented to deliver the results needed. Wide contextual view cameras and PTZ Cameras and Intelligent Video Analytics Software, automatically monitor large, complex and challenging environments. The Viseum IMC is built to the highest quality standards. It does not need people to operate and it optimizes people to respond. This internationally patented CCTV Innovation has led to Viseum dominating new markets. It has solved the many problems with, standalone CCTV security systems, manned surveillance services and manned guarding security patrols.
Police Training
This police training used 6 Viseum IMC cameras and Viseum’s Global F3™ Software Technology Services. It compiled information on 0.5 million people in just 1 day, but no human had access to any of the video or data of the public. Data and video were displayed of test subjects randomly merged into the crowds at each camera site. They were automatically identified and followed:
These near 2-minute videos are recommended to play in full-screen on a large display. There is no voice narration because explaining the many security systems and technologies all working together over-complicates the presentation.
Top 3 issues with Public Safety CCTV
The security industry has evolved around low-cost products that are not fit for purpose. Unregulated markets lack quality and standards. In today’s security climate, Viseum’s disruptive technology is needed to change how people spend, save and make money. Viseum UK has exposed the 3 main areas of the CCTV industry that it is now helping to regulate:
1. CCTV Cameras and Software “CCTV Technology”
To support this trend, public safety equipment has so much competition that it forces CCTV manufacturers to reduce their quality, sell at low cost and in high volume, to only make profits from poor warranty and frequent downtimes. Also, with such an unregulated industry where selling in high volume is crucial, this discourages any technology innovation:
CCTV Cameras
The Pan, Tilt and Zoom (PTZ) camera is a commodity component of the CCTV industry. It is central to public safety. Yet, because all PTZ Cameras other than Viseum’s need to be constantly watched and controlled by a person, and even then, it can only see one small area at a time, criminals all but disregard them. Making the cameras the root cause of why security systems do not deliver consistent results.
CCTV Software
The latest major CCTV technology development is Video Analytics Software. This is software that automatically watches cameras. This has limited applications because all software other than Viseum’s can only monitor indoors and only fixed static cameras.
2. People Watching Cameras “CCTV Operators”
Most people are under the common misunderstanding that CCTV is just like the TV show “Big Brother”. With many highly skilled surveillance experts watching and studying our every move. This is very incorrect:
Public Safety CCTV Designs
Public Safety CCTV designs other than Viseum’s have a very small number of people watching many thousands of cameras. But, in reality, a person can only look at one camera at a time. Also, with wages an ongoing and increasing cost, operators are the most expensive operational overhead. This job has a high turnover of staff. People are notoriously unreliable for constantly monitoring critical services. Operators fail to turn up for work and lack concentration.
Public Safety CCTV Budgets Wasted
It is commonly accepted for governments and law enforcement agencies to waste many millions each year. Many thousands of man-hours attempting to retrieve just a few seconds of crucial video evidence. From days, or months of stored video. These efforts result, daily, in lengthy reports as to why the CCTV evidence was not available.
3. Government CCTV Security Procurement
Most governments budget for the best high-end security and surveillance products, but for the security equipment’s supply chain to make money (including hidden commissions), procurement processes result in governments receiving inadequate low-cost products.
To complement this spending regime, security consultants make their profits by specifying the cheapest equipment for Public Safety CCTV. They do this to justify their own high costs of designing it. Many also recommend their preferred manufacturers of such equipment to make more hidden commissions out of their governments.
“Worryingly, this is all very true at each point.”(UK CCTVCommand Control Manager)
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Internationally Regulated Crime Deterrent
The much-needed solution for public safety law enforcement. The Viseum IMC Camera is now stimulating many governments to regulate their CCTV. Patents have been granted globally for the invention of the Viseum IMC Camera. Demonstrating this quality and performance regulation, any other brand of camera that looks like a Viseum is seen as an illegal unregulated copy and that compromises a nation’s public safety.