London’s Community CCTV Deterrent – Viseum® Community SafetyWatch®
“This community CCTV scheme is very important to London, the United Kingdom and indeed the rest of the world.” (London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime)

Viseum Safe City Community CCTV Schemes are expanding globally. This is an installation by London’s Metropolitan Police. After just a few days, a community installation captured a serious incident that is usually missed. This created a strong deterrent and a new policing initiative to reduce crime. It also shows how business and residential communities save the high costs of insurance premiums. By being protected by Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® CCTV cameras, high-crime hotspots became no crime neighbourhoods.
At night a car was out of control. The Viseum Safe City scheme automatically detected it as a high risk. The car overturned. The driver climbed out of the passenger seat and ran away. The ONE Viseum IMC (Intelligent Moving Camera) captured everything. It captured all the high-quality close-up video of the crime. Throughout the many different areas of the Community CCTV Scheme, it also captured clear identification of witnesses and their vehicle number plates.
Community CCTV scheme performance
As the driver ran away, the Viseum IMC automatically followed him. He ran along a road until he was almost out of sight. Amazingly, he then ran all the way back to his overturned car. He climbed back into his car for a few seconds. It appeared that he had forgotten something that could identify him as the driver. He then made his escape again running along a different road. The same one Viseum camera still automatically followed his every move. Again, he was almost out of sight, but he turned back again. This time he walked slowly and it became clear that he was drunk. He stopped at a distant corner. He attempted to hide and see if the police had arrived. The Viseum camera then automatically zoomed into him again capturing high-quality close-up identification of his face and clothing.
Community incident investigations
The police reviewed the video of this incident. Recordings of the driver running away from the scene gave excellent clear images of his identity. The police decided that he was probably the owner of the car and quite likely not going to report the offence. It was later revealed that he was also intending to commit insurance fraud. Viseum supported the investigating police officers to help them produce an evidential package for the Crown Prosecution Service. This helped the police to minimise the time taken by the court to have the owner admit to these crimes.
Community insurance premiums
Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® CCTV schemes are usually supported with just a few Viseum cameras. This is because these cameras cover such large areas effectively. This is the key factor in making Viseum’s shared CCTV schemes economically possible. This CCTV scheme was successful with just one Viseum camera covering the whole area. Operating completely automatically with no human intervention until images are needed. After this example, more police are deploying more Viseum cameras. This community has justified cheaper insurance premiums. We at Viseum are committed to maintaining this level of expertise in all Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® installations.
Safe City CCTV example installation
Safe City
Many businesses use a Remote CCTV Monitoring service. This comes with privacy invasion and high costs. News of the success of Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® is encouraging business communities to also benefit from this outdoor Intelligent CCTV. Many more are becoming part of the Viseum Safe City initiative.
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Downloads for Community CCTV:
These are the summary 5-year and ongoing annual revenues from 2 successful franchise applications. These do not include additional revenues from associate members of this Trusted Premium Brand Alliance:
- 5 years $94 million, $54 million ongoing – Business Community SafetyWatch®
- 5 years $198 million, $115 million ongoing – Business and Residential Community SafetyWatch®
These are the detailed 5-year and ongoing revenues from a successful franchise application, including their role as an intermediary for associate members of this Trusted Premium Brand Alliance:
Note: These numbers are from Western economies. Please contact Viseum for revenue amounts for your region.