Viseum® Community SafetyWatch®

SALES TEMPLATE – Safe City Regeneration Ecosystem

  This is the Viseum® Safe City letter template. This has proven successful to introduce Viseum innovation. Viseum UK are patent innovators and international manufacturers of intelligent CCTV solutions. Viseum offers a powerful set of automated CCTV Surveillance features which transform countries and cities to a new high standard.   CUSTOMER’S NAME safe city security and city regeneration programme We would ... Read More »

Viseum® Safe City Ecosystem

Viseum® SafestCities™ Ecosystem   Places, where many people gather, are targets for crime, disorder and mass killings. These areas have always been the most technically problematic areas to deliver security. Viseum technology can deter extremists, detect and disrupt a potential attack. The same technology will offer decision support to incident commanders. It will provide law enforcement and judiciary with all they need to intercept, detain and charge the ... Read More »

Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® For everyone to live and work safe and secure

“Potentially the largest safe and crime-free community network.” (New Scotland Yard)   The world’s only fully automated and multitasking CCTV security and surveillance service. Endorsed by Governments and local authorities for others to fund. With holistic benefits, some communities contribute through traffic fines and benefit from enhanced public safety, and others subscribe to being in a crime-free area and benefit ... Read More »

Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® Safe Cities and Roads

Viseum’s multi-billion dollar protected market   The world’s only fully automated and multitasking CCTV security and surveillance cameras. Governments and local authorities endorse others to fund. With holistic benefits:   Some communities contribute through traffic fines and benefit from enhanced public security. Some subscribe to the feel-good factor of the security and benefit from safer roads. Government Public Safety CCTV ... Read More »

Trusted Premium Brand Alliance – Membership and Franchise Application

“A unique multi-revenue security service. Monopolising the sale of commodity services under the noses of the service providers. This is truly innovative.” (Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® investor)    All commodity service providers are looking to diversify to increase and protect market share. The Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® group-shared CCTV service is the opportunity for them to achieve exactly this. With $200 million ... Read More »

From Pilot Installations to 100,000+ Cameras

Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® Installations   Viseum International is selecting high-end professional personnel and organisations to advertise, sell, supply and support in the next regions for the Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® CCTV service franchise.     “This can start with an installation of just one Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® pilot installation.” (Viseum UK Group President)   Country Remunerations – From pilot installation to ... Read More »

$10m Community SafetyWatch® Fund – Installation Application

“A self-funded, organically grown and privacy-conscious CCTV service. This is truly innovative.” (UK Department for International Trade)   Viseum is investing to expand its multi-billion-dollar protected market. This is for new countries to become part of this service. High crime becomes no crime. Viseum becomes the trusted brand for feeling safe and getting the best from each country’s business and ... Read More »

Safer Communities Safer Cities

Safer Communities Security Phenomenon… “Potentially the largest CCTV network in the world.”  (New Scotland Yard)   Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® is already so successful that it is on its way to every continent and is naturally evolving into the world’s largest CCTV network. It is increasing subscriptions because it operates so effectively, by moving crime to neighbouring communities that do not ... Read More »

CCTV England – UK Partners

Viseum® CCTV made in England   The Viseum IMC™ (Intelligent Moving Camera) 360° multiview & multitasking security and surveillance camera.   Industry-standard and patent regulated   England’s CCTV industry standard for automated security and situational awareness   This Intelligent CCTV Camera is a multitasking camera with many video analytics systems operating together for many applications. Installed, maintained, and supported as ... Read More »