Contact Tracing – AI COVID Tracking System


COVID Contact Tracing – Viseum® Pandemic Tracking System



  • AI Camera – Automatically detect and follow people with high temperature in outdoor populated areas.
  • AI Software – Automatically match times and locations of previous travel using any video and data source.


Contact Tracing COVID-19 - AI Pandemic Tracking System

All companies trading under the brand Viseum UK Group have volunteered to join the fight against COVID-19. Viseum employees worked from home doing all they can to help fight this invisible threat. For continuous development and distribution of Viseum® Contact Tracing.

Pandemics Contact Tracing and Economy Support

Modified Anti-Terror CCTV Camera

The innovation for this Viseum Product Solution comes from Viseum developers in direct communication with Viseum’s end-user base. Before this outbreak, we were preparing to launch this new product using privacy-conscious data surveillance for concealed weapon analysis. Now because of coronavirus, our developers are working tirelessly on contact tracing as our part in this fight.

Viseum Pandemic Tracing System Sponsorship – Not for Profit

The initiative for the Viseum UK Group volunteering programme comes from Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® investors. Viseum is now sponsoring its part in this fight against COVID-19 using the Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® Fund. For this support, Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® investors are asking government powers to consider becoming part of this new project to accelerate humanity into the 22nd century ahead of time.

Contact Tracing Project Delivery, Service Levels, Training and Support

Our capability is as always, to get you this product as soon as you are ready to benefit from it. No formal service levels but our customers can still expect the same Grade A support service and training. There will be no change with Viseum Software Technology Services as it is always installed and supported remotely by Viseum Software Engineers, and Viseum’s project delivery team continues to operate as part of Viseum’s Centre of Excellence in London. We are sending this product in plug-and-play modular kit form for our partners and customers to easily assemble locally. Viseum business development managers are in touch with competition for them to potentially supply some of the more common components.


  • Patented step change in CCTV surveillance privacy Stronger CCTV security, deeper surveillance and investigations. But ...
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Contact Tracing System Application Form

Please apply for our support using this form with as much information as possible to help us help you. We will get back to you urgently:

    Please prove you are human by selecting the Plane.