London Police CCTV Delivers Town Regeneration
“We can regenerate many towns with these surveillance cameras.” (Metropolitan Police)
“Everywhere the Viseum 360° CCTV camera has been deployed it has delivered success. It has the immediate effect of making people realise they are being watched 24/7/365. Unlike previous technologies which often prove so ineffective that criminals disregard them.” (London CCTV Managers)
One of the world’s most respected law enforcement agencies has turned to Viseum UK’s CCTV technology. This is to solve the problem in its most troublesome UK areas affected by crime and disorder. This police force spent 1 year planning their deployments. Viseum customised its Redeployable 360° CCTV to support their exact needs. This law enforcement agency now has the proof that the Viseum Redeployable 360-degree CCTV surveillance cameras significantly reduce crime in troublesome environments. This is also thanks to the considerable deterrent effect created by having these automated CCTV surveillance cameras on site.
The unbeatable power of these surveillance cameras in regenerating a towns crime hotspots – with a so far 100% success rate – is showing local authorities and law enforcement agencies how well-managed Regeneration Schemes are now being operated. Giving renewed hope that they will be able to consistently meet crime prevention and detection targets.

The head of CCTV operations for Britain’s largest police force said, “There is no other product like it, and we see a range of possibilities for deploying the Viseum 360-degree CCTV surveillance cameras where previously we would have had to use less elegant, less effective solutions. There is significant onboard recording and no need for an observation post. This all adds to the Viseum 360-degree cameras saving us time and money. It allows us to deploy rapidly and effectively.”
Police officers tasked with crime reduction in London said, “The Viseum camera system has been deployed as an overt deterrent. This is for estates identified as having some of the worst records for crime and disorder in London.” And, “London’s unresolved Town Regeneration areas have remained a priority for the last several years. Our police/local authority partnerships have previously been unable to permanently resolve the issues despite significant interventions including enforcement and engagement.”
“The quality of the Viseum system with its ability to follow and zoom in automatically for facial identification is excellent. Within two weeks the system captured two suspects causing criminal damage. The images downloaded from a local police officer were shown to the suspects upon arrest. Word spreads quickly that offences committed near these cameras will be captured and the images will be of significant quality. This camera has now had a measurable impact on crime and disorder. It has been a real deterrent and has provided much-needed reassurance to the community. Reports from the public include being impressed that ‘the kids don’t like that you’re watching these cameras all the time’. The fact that people can see it moving gives the impression someone is operating it in a control room.”
Stuart Thompson, President of Viseum UK, said, “The first major incident our cameras clear up is likely to be the last for each deployment. This is because the perpetrators get caught. From experience, when we produce extended, high-quality close-up and 360-degree recordings of incidents, criminals realise they can no longer commit crimes undetected.” And, “Where Viseum cameras protect, the problem can be cleared up overnight.”
About the Viseum 360 Town Regeneration Surveillance Camera
Most wide area PTZ Cameras have already exceeded their life expectancy and in any case, through cost and lack of resources, most of these PTZ Cameras are pointing the wrong way when crimes occur. Viseum UK presents an unparalleled value for money offering for customers to stay on top of all their camera installations. This is being achieved by replacing or upgrading PTZ Cameras to become Viseum 360-degree surveillance cameras. This helps command control staff to spend their time more effectively. They can optimize overall efficiencies and provide a much more viable solution for CCTV scheme expansion.
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