(CCTV User Group )
Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® for the CCTV User Group…
After a live field demonstration of an installation in London, the UK’s CCTV User Group, which sits on the UK’s Commissioners Standards Group, Standards Board and Advisory Council, endorsed the Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® concept and its technology with this quote:
“Well-designed and well-managed CCTV systems in the UK have proved themselves to be valuable tools in the reduction of antisocial behaviour and criminal activity and in the post-incident identification of offenders.
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However, the considerable costs of installing the number of cameras necessary to adequately monitor an area, the transmission system and provision of a control facility able to record the images adequately, have meant that up to now it simply has not been cost-effective to introduce systems that monitor small local shopping parades or residential areas.
I was personally very impressed with this demonstration of Viseum technology that has now overcome virtually all of these constraints and provides a well-engineered system at a cost that makes it a viable solution for both smaller Neighbourhood Watch groups and groups of retailers.
Apart from the technology involved, the whole concept of using it as a prime element of a Community Safety system is a major step forward, and I was equally impressed by the detailed work undertaken by Viseum in developing the necessary procedures to take into account all the legislative implications in respect of Data Protection and Human Rights for systems used for Public Safety surveillance.”
- “A self-funded, organically grown and privacy-conscious CCTV service. This is truly innovative.” (UK Department for ...
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“This is exactly what our communities need.”
(UK and US Local Authorities)
“The value of this CCTV camera’s deterrent is immense.”
(UK CCTV Control Room Manager)
Click image to download these early endorsements from 2004 and 2007