Viseum® CCTV made in England
The Viseum IMC™ (Intelligent Moving Camera) 360° multiview & multitasking security and surveillance camera.
Industry-standard and patent regulated
England’s CCTV industry standard for automated security and situational awareness
This Intelligent CCTV Camera is a multitasking camera with many video analytics systems operating together for many applications. Installed, maintained, and supported as plug-and-play with modular hardware. It meets any remote site’s security coverage and surveillance requirements. Solving the many problems with standalone security systems, manned surveillance, and manned guarding patrols. It has been independently endorsed, to provide the same coverage as just 1 Viseum 360 Security Camera, it would take:
- 6 constantly manned next-best PTZ cameras, or,
- 10 of the industry’s latest panoramic megapixel cameras, or,
- 200 standard fixed camera installations.
This does not take into account the extreme costs of installation and monitoring inferior solutions. Viseum will deliver more results automatically, costing significantly less capex and 6 x less opex each year.
The appearance of this CCTV camera from England operating automatically protecting all surroundings, displays to would-be criminals that the entire site is constantly watched.
Some of Viseum UK’s latest Community SafetyWatch® partners:
London’s pilot installations captured incidents that would usually be missed by any other manned or unmanned CCTV camera. Local authorities were shocked when they first played back their video to watch incidents unfold with quality evidence to convict.
We improved the operational processes of the Viseum cameras in their command control. Their CCTV operators can now respond to incidents in the most effective way. This is Nottingham City Council’s Community SafetyWatch® business model.
North West England
Viseum digitally integrated its cameras with its command control and communications. Supporting their CCTV operators to use the locally stored Viseum camera recordings and help solve crime faster. One customer said, “Viseum’s 360 Camera functions make it ideal for covering large-scale events. Traditional cameras can only look at a fraction of a space at any one time.”
Isle of Man
Viseum partnered with the Isle of Man Government to introduce new Regeneration Schemes for Public Safety areas. The lead member of Community Safety Partnership said: “The Redeployable Viseum IMC uses proven CCTV Technology that enables fewer cameras to be deployed, offering better coverage and more effective crime detection and prevention. At a fraction of the cost of traditional systems.”
CCTV Issues of Privacy – First installations of the Viseum cameras were met with extreme resistance from surrounding communities. These communities used the argument that their privacy rights. This stopped when they understood it was automated and nobody was watching them.
- Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® endorsements Viseum has made key relationships with many local authorities ...
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- HOW DOES CCTV MAKE US UNSAFE? Viseum’s Community Security Service is a major step ...
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- “Potentially the largest safe and crime-free community network.” (New Scotland Yard) The world’s only ...
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- London’s Community CCTV Deterrent – Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® “This community CCTV scheme is very ...
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