UK Member of Parliament and Lord Commissioner of Her Majesty’s Treasury said, “I met with Viseum and was impressed with their intelligent CCTV innovations."

Author Archives:

Smart City CCTV

Smart City CCTV

Viseum® Smart City CCTV with Smart City Cameras   Places, where many people gather, are targets for crime, disorder and mass killings. These areas have always been the most technically problematic to deliver security.   Viseum innovators predicted this as far back as the year 2000. Its business delivering Safe Cities has been growing from strength to strength ever since. The CCTV ... Read More »

Riot Police Tactics

World’s Best Riot Police Tactics   “Finding the location of a riot before it has started helps riot police tactics. Viseum’s crowd software monitors our city cameras and everything on social media. It helps stop rioting before crowd control becomes a problem.” (Metropolitan Police) Social Media – Situational awareness for riot control Face Recognition AI CCTV + Social Media InvestigationsWatch ... Read More »

Anti-Terror CCTV Camera

The Viseum IMC (Intelligent Moving Camera) TV News Report on Anti-Terror CCTV This breaking news aired on Australia’s most popular TV channel immediately following terror attacks there. The Viseum Intelligent Moving Camera is always a natural choice to create a long-term deterrent for towns and cities. TV reports like this are a natural reaction by governments to display how well ... Read More »

Community CCTV

Community CCTV

  London’s Community CCTV Deterrent – Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® “This community CCTV scheme is very important to London, the United Kingdom and indeed the rest of the world.” (London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime)   Viseum Safe City Community CCTV Schemes are expanding globally. This is an installation by London’s Metropolitan Police. After just a few days, a community ... Read More »

UK CCTV Endorsements

  Viseum® Community SafetyWatch® endorsements   Viseum has made key relationships with many local authorities in the UK. Viseum has trained a large number of security companies. This includes some of the biggest names in the UK security and telecommunications industries.   One of the world’s largest CCTV and security monitoring and response services said, “Results from these cameras are ... Read More »

CCTV Standards and Accreditation

British CCTV Standards – Certified Accreditation   For consistent success throughout your entire security and surveillance network, your CCTV cameras and software systems must be the highest quality, perform to the highest standards and hold the most reputable CCTV Accreditation. Industry Standard and Patent Regulated The CCTV and surveillance industry-standard deterrent and automated security and situational awareness Multitasking with many ... Read More »

Olympics CCTV Monitoring

Olympics CCTV Surveillance Technology The well-known TV show, ‘Big Brother’, has helped people think that CCTV is extremely intrusive. Each and every camera on the show is constantly monitored by a dedicated surveillance specialist. This is not correct. Only a small handful of people watch hundreds, or even thousands, of surveillance cameras at any one time. The security of an ... Read More »

Smart Cities Initiative – Viseum SafestCities™

Smart Cities Initiative

Which Smart Cities Initiative Comes First – the Smart City or Safe City? For a Smart Cities Initiative, ‘Safe Cities’ and ‘Smart Cities’ are increasingly common buzzwords with the large multi-national technology companies and mobile app designers. The Smart Cities principle is that well-designed and integrated technology should be used to help us live better, more economical, better managed, cleaner, ... Read More »

Safe City

Safe City

  SafestCities™ security and traffic management from Viseum®   Safe City is an initiative optimizing the performance of all public services, making a city safe. Human-centred decision support helps deliver a city’s routine and emergency security services. These constantly evolve using event logistics, detailed experiences and results. Such big data proves invaluable, optimizing costs and procedures to make a city ... Read More »

PTZ Camera IP Surveillance

Viseum® PTZ Camera IP Surveillance Solving today’s IP surveillance camera security challenges using Viseum’s PTZ network camera PTZ Camera surveillance has always been the most technically problematic to deliver. It has placed the greatest strain on resources to support. PTZ Camera installations must to be controlled and monitored by surveillance operators to point them in the right direction.   Security ... Read More »